Bên cạnh phân tích rất kĩ Từ vựng & cấu trúc qua bài báo New sound: Rap gradually goes mainstream in Vietnam (evnexperess) để giúp nâng cao kĩ năng đọc hiểu, IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Giải đề"Nowadays more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? What are the effects on society and family life" IELTS WRITING TASK 2
I. Đề bài
Nowadays more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? What are the effects on society and family life?
II. Từ vựng
Từ vựng topic having children later in life đã được IELTS TUTOR tổng hợp
III. Phân tích
1. Lưu ý
- Đầu tiên phải xác định cho được dạng này là dạng 2 Question, và nắm vững cách viết dạng 2 question trong IELTS WRITING TASK 2
2. Bố cục
- INTRODUCTION: Giới thiệu qua topic và câu số 2 của introduction không cần nêu reasons và effects cụ thể là gì ra mà chỉ cần nói There are some reasons for this tendency, and it could have some impacts on family life as well as society chung chung là đủ cho dạng này
- BODY 1: Trả lời cho câu hỏi số 1: What are the reasons? (Luôn nhớ đối với dạng 2 questions thì mỗi đoạn thân bài sẽ trả lời cho 1 câu hỏi) >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Paraphrase từ "reason" tiếng anh
- Thông thường nên nêu ra 2 reasons, không nên cố list cho nhiều reasons ra, mà chỉ cần nêu kĩ lưỡng 2 reasons, và trong mỗi reasons phải nêu cho rõ Main idea >> Supporting ideas >> Example
- Trong một vài topic quá khó nghĩ ra ý có thể chỉ cần viết 1 reason cũng được,
- BODY 2: Trả lời cho câu hỏi số 2: What are the effects on society and family life? (Luôn nhớ đối với dạng 2 questions thì mỗi đoạn thân bài sẽ trả lời cho 1 câu hỏi)
- CONCLUSION: Khẳng định lại câu trả lời của 2 câu hỏi, tức là paraphrase lại câu số 2 của INTRODUCTION
3. Tham khảo cách viết

- Body 1: Trả lời câu hỏi "What are the reasons"
- Main idea 1: The fact that pregnancy has been more common in older women stems from late marriage
- Supporting idea: Late marriage would help singles have more time to seek a stable job and broaden behavioral experience before deciding to live with someone forever >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách paraphrase từ "HELP" trong tiếng anh
- Example: My aunt - Sarah, 35, happily married with a fulfilling job and a love for travel, cautiously considers the risks of pregnancy at her age, leading her and her husband to wait a few more years before starting a family.
- Main idea 2: It is widely believed that children are raised better by older parents
- Supporting idea: TYING THE KNOT EARLY, in some cases, would cause constant quarrels about rights of child-rearing between young couples due to their immature thoughts on marital values >< DELAYED MARRIAGE may secure better conditions for children’s future (HOẶC: older fathers and mothers are generally wealthier, more experienced, and more willing to take the responsibility of bringing up a child) >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Paraphrase từ "lead to" tiếng anh
- Example: My friend - John and Mary, married at 20, had a child early but, realizing their unpreparedness for parenthood, chose divorce to provide a more stable environment for their child amid constant disagreements.
- Main idea 1: The fact that pregnancy has been more common in older women stems from late marriage
- Body 2: Trả lời câu hỏi "What are the effects on society and family life"
- Main idea 1: (Nên viết về family life): having children later will cause a significant age gap between the two generations. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách paraphrase "find out / discover/learn" IELTS
- Supporting idea: This makes it harder for parents to understand and communicate with their offspring
- Example: My uncle faced communication challenges with their adolescent kids due to a substantial age gap, having opted for parenthood in their late 40s.
- Main idea 2: (Nên viết về society) Having children when reaching over 35 can affect pregnancy due to aging health >> This might adversely affect the quality of the future workforce if too many people decide to follow this trend
- Supporting idea: Babies are not healthy enough or even die premature death because mothers' health will decline (HOẶC: when an aged couple decides to give birth, there are serious health risks for the woman in the prenatal and postnatal period) >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Từ vựng topic Family (child education, child birth...) IELTS
- Example: In Japan, the rising average age of first-time mothers, reaching 30.9 years in 2020 from 25.6 in 1970, is worrisome as it correlates with an increased risk of health issues in babies, with twice the rate of premature births among mothers over 35 compared to those under 30.
- Main idea 1: (Nên viết về family life): having children later will cause a significant age gap between the two generations. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách paraphrase "find out / discover/learn" IELTS
IELTS TUTOR gợi ý bài tham khảo:
The trend of having children at later ages is becoming more common in many societies. While there are certain advantages, such as more stability for parents, there are also negative consequences for both family life and society. This essay will explore the reasons behind delayed pregnancies and the effects they have.
Several causes explain the trend of having children later. Firstly, in recent years, one of the key reasons for having children later is late marriage (kết hôn muộn). As individuals marry later, they have more time to focus on career advancement (thăng tiến nghề nghiệp) and gain life experience (kinh nghiệm sống) before committing to family life. Many people prioritize financial stability and personal growth before starting a family. This approach can also lead to a more stable and mature environment for raising children. Furthermore, there is a widely held belief (quan điểm chung) that children benefit from being raised by older parents, who are generally more emotionally mature (từng trải cảm xúc) and able to provide a stable environment for their development. In fact, early marriages may result in constant disputes (cãi vã liên tục) over parenting, as young couples may not yet have developed sufficient relationship skills to manage such challenges.>> Form đăng kí giải đề thi thật IELTS 4 kĩ năng kèm bài giải bộ đề 100 đề PART 2 IELTS SPEAKING quý đang thi (update hàng tuần) từ IELTS TUTOR
As for the effects on society and family life, the growing age gap between parents and children can lead to difficulties in communication. When parents have children later in life, there is often a generational divide (khoảng cách thế hệ) that makes it harder for them to relate to their offspring. For example, my uncle faced communication challenges (khó khăn trong giao tiếp) with his teenage children, as he and his wife had children in their late 40s. Additionally, there are significant risks to both mother and child when pregnancies occur later in life. As a matter of fact, women over the age of 35 may face health complications (biến chứng sức khỏe), and their children are at a higher risk for premature birth (sinh non). This can affect the quality of the workforce (chất lượng lực lượng lao động) in the future, as society may see a rise in health-related issues among newborns, which could have long-term economic and social implications.
In conclusion, while having children later may offer some benefits for parents, it can have detrimental effects on both family dynamics and society.
Vocabulary explanations:
- Late marriage (kết hôn muộn): Refers to marrying later than the typical or traditional age, often due to career or personal goals.
- Career advancement (thăng tiến nghề nghiệp): The progress or promotion in one's job or professional life.
- Life experience (kinh nghiệm sống): The practical knowledge gained through living, often related to maturity and emotional intelligence.
- Widely held belief (quan điểm chung): An opinion or idea that is commonly shared by many people.
- Emotionally mature (từng trải cảm xúc): Describes someone who has a high level of emotional understanding and control, typically gained through experience.
- Constant disputes (cãi vã liên tục): Ongoing arguments or disagreements, often with no resolution.
- Generational divide (khoảng cách thế hệ): The differences in attitudes, experiences, and values between people of different generations.
- Communication challenges (khó khăn trong giao tiếp): Difficulties in effectively exchanging thoughts or understanding between people.
- Health complications (biến chứng sức khỏe): Medical problems or issues that arise during pregnancy or childbirth that can affect the health of the mother or child.
- Premature birth (sinh non): The birth of a baby before it has fully developed, often causing health problems for the infant.
- Quality of the workforce (chất lượng lực lượng lao động): Refers to the overall health, skills, and productivity of individuals in the workforce, which can be affected by the health of newborns.
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