Phân tích "The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (Đề thi 11/3/2023 & 22/1/2024)

· Đề thi thật Task 2

Bên cạnh PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI 30/5/2020"Some education systems make students focus on certain subjects at the age of 15, while others require students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave school. What are the benefits of each system? Which is better?"IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (kèm bài sửa HS đạt 6.5), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Phân tích "The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2

I. Đề bài

The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

II. Kiến thức liên quan

III. Phân tích

1. Cách viết TOTALLY


  • Dạng opinion essay thì đã rất quen thuộc với các bạn học sinh lớp IELTS ONLINE WRITING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR rồi nhé
  • Dạng opinion essay, nếu theo hướng TOTALLY AGREE có thể bố cục bài như sau:
    • Body 1: Nêu lí do thứ 1 vì sao TOTALLY AGREE
      • Main idea: English helps facilitate communication and collaboration among people from different countries and cultures.  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ"facilitate"tiếng anh
        • Supporting idea: 
          • English is the most commonly spoken language worldwide, with approximately 1.5 billion people speaking English, either as their first language or as a second language. 
          • This widespread usage means that people from different countries and cultures can communicate effectively in English, even if they do not share a native language.
        • Example: 
          • In diplomacy, English is the primary language used for communication among diplomats from different countries.
          • Many multinational companies use English as their official language for communication among employees from different countries. 
          • In scientific research, English is the primary language used for publishing research papers and presenting at conferences, making it easier for scientists from different countries to collaborate and share their findings.  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ"collaborate"tiếng anh 
    • Body 2: Nêu lí do thứ 2 vì sao TOTALLY AGREE
      • Main idea: English is a widely spoken language globally, making it easier for people to travel, study, and work abroad.
        • Supporting idea: This enables students from different countries to come together and learn from each other, fostering cultural exchange and a greater understanding of different perspectives.  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ "enable" tiếng anh
        • Example: For instance, many universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand offer courses taught in English. These countries are popular destinations for international students seeking higher education, with approximately 4.5 million international students enrolled in higher education institutions worldwide in 2020.

2. Cách viết PARTLY

It has been argued that the advantages of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. I do believe that although the widespread use of English brings significant benefits for communication and economic opportunities, it also endangers linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.

On the one hand, the global proliferation of English provides substantial advantages. Firstly, the spread of English has significantly contributed to global connectivity and economic growth. In fact, english serves as a lingua franca, enabling people from diverse linguistic backgrounds to communicate effectively, which is essential in a globalized world. Secondly, proficiency in English opens up numerous opportunities for individuals in education and employment, as many top universities and multinational companies use English as their primary language. This global acceptance of English simplifies international collaboration and trade, fostering economic development and innovation.>> Form đăng kí giải đề thi thật IELTS 4 kĩ năng kèm bài giải bộ đề 100 đề PART 2 IELTS SPEAKING quý đang thi (update hàng tuần) từ IELTS TUTOR

On the other hand, this dominance also presents certain challenges. To begin with, the prevalence of English can negatively impact other languages and cultures. As English becomes more dominant, smaller languages risk extinction, leading to a loss of cultural heritage and diversity. For instance, younger generations in non-English speaking countries may prioritize learning English over their native languages, resulting in a gradual decline in the use of indigenous languages. Additionally, the global dominance of English can create an imbalance of power, where English-speaking countries exert more influence over global affairs, potentially marginalizing non-English speaking cultures.

In conclusion, while the spread of English as a global language offers significant advantages in terms of communication and economic opportunities, it also poses risks to linguistic diversity and cultural identity.

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