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Phân tích đề"The only way to improve the safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences. What extent do you agree or disagree?" IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (ĐỀ THI 15/10/2023)

October 29, 2023

Bên cạnh hướng dẫn rất kĩ cách học IELTS SPEAKING hiệu quả, IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn thêm Phân tích đề"The only way to improve the safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences" IELTS WRITING TASK 2

I. Đề bài

The only way to improve the safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences. What extent do you agree or disagree?

II. Từ vựng

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Từ vựng topic "road safety" IELTS

III. Phân tích


  • Opinion essay
  • Intro câu 2 & conclusion: totally agree
  • Body 1: Lí do số 1 vì sao totally agree quan điểm đề cho, có  thể  phân  tích: 
    • Main  idea: Penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning that people avoid repeating the same offence  (IELTS TUTOR gợi ý cách diễn đạt khác: a severe punishment is vital considering its deterrent effect on those who are likely to disobey road regulations)>> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn   PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI 30/5/2020 IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (kèm bài sửa HS đạt 6.5)
    • Supporting  idea: 
      • There are various types of driving penalty, such as small fines, licence suspension, driver awareness courses, and even prison sentences.
      • Drivers and pedestrians become more aware of traffic laws and demonstrate improved law compliance, since they know the serious consequences of their risky actions.
    • Example: 
      • For example, Australia is one of the safest countries all over the world simply because traffic violators are fined more  seriously than some other countries. An instance is drivers will be detained if they are found to have drunk driving, and a severe fine will be applied for over speeding rather than just verbal warning in some other places.>> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Sửa bài IELTS SPEAKING PART 1-2-3 topic Work/Study(Sửa & Làm lại 4 lần - HS đạt 7.5)
      • For example, in Vietnam, a motorist not wearing helmet can be fined with $20 to $40, and thus he will be in fear of facing further punishment and avoid committing another offense
  • Body 2: Lí do số 2 vì sao totally agree quan điểm đề cho, có  thể  phân  tích:
    • Main  idea: More stringent punishments for traffic crimes can be an efficient way to reduce traffic accidents 

        (IELTS TUTOR gợi ý cách diễn đạt khác: Imposing more severe punishments on those who commit driving offences can somehow help increase road safety)

    • Supporting  idea: Once harsher laws related to road safety are implemented >>  a notable reduction in the total number of traffic accidents.
    • Example: In Vietnam,  very loosely enforced regulations = a significant number of annual road casualties

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